.. py:module:: dissect.target.plugins.os.unix.log.atop
Module Contents
.. autoapisummary::
.. autoapisummary::
.. py:data:: atop_def
:value: Multiline-String
.. raw:: html
Show Value
.. code-block:: python
typedef unsigned long long time_t;
typedef long long count_t;
#define _UTSNAME_LENGTH 65
struct utsname {
char sysname[_UTSNAME_LENGTH]; /* Name of the implementation of the operating system. */
char nodename[_UTSNAME_LENGTH]; /* Name of this node on the network. */
char release[_UTSNAME_LENGTH]; /* Current release level of this implementation. */
char version[_UTSNAME_LENGTH]; /* Current version level of this release. */
char machine[_UTSNAME_LENGTH]; /* Name of the hardware type the system is running on. */
char domainname[_UTSNAME_LENGTH]; /* Name of the domain of this node on the network. */
struct rawheader {
unsigned int magic;
unsigned short aversion; /* creator atop version with MSB */
unsigned short future1; /* can be reused */
unsigned short future2; /* can be reused */
unsigned short rawheadlen; /* length of struct rawheader */
unsigned short rawreclen; /* length of struct rawrecord */
unsigned short hertz; /* clock interrupts per second */
unsigned short sfuture[6]; /* future use */
unsigned int sstatlen; /* length of struct sstat */
unsigned int tstatlen; /* length of struct tstat */
struct utsname utsname; /* info about this system */
char cfuture[8]; /* future use */
unsigned int pagesize; /* size of memory page (bytes) */
int supportflags; /* used features */
int osrel; /* OS release number */
int osvers; /* OS version number */
int ossub; /* OS version subnumber */
int ifuture[6]; /* future use */
uint16 padding;
struct rawrecord {
time_t curtime; /* current time (epoch) */
unsigned short flags; /* various flags */
unsigned short sfuture[3]; /* future use */
unsigned int scomplen; /* length of compressed sstat */
unsigned int pcomplen; /* length of compressed tstat's */
unsigned int interval; /* interval (number of seconds) */
unsigned int ndeviat; /* number of tasks in list */
unsigned int nactproc; /* number of processes in list */
unsigned int ntask; /* total number of tasks */
unsigned int totproc; /* total number of processes */
unsigned int totrun; /* number of running threads */
unsigned int totslpi; /* number of sleeping threads(S) */
unsigned int totslpu; /* number of sleeping threads(D) */
unsigned int totzomb; /* number of zombie processes */
unsigned int nexit; /* number of exited processes */
unsigned int noverflow; /* number of overflow processes */
unsigned int ifuture[6]; /* future use */
int padding;
.. raw:: html
.. py:data:: atop_tstat_def
:value: Multiline-String
.. raw:: html
Show Value
.. code-block:: python
#define PNAMLEN 15
#define CMDLEN 255
/* structure containing only relevant process-info extracted from kernel's process-administration */
struct tstat {
struct gen {
int tgid; /* threadgroup identification */
int pid; /* process identification */
int ppid; /* parent process identification */
int ruid; /* real user identification */
int euid; /* eff. user identification */
int suid; /* saved user identification */
int fsuid; /* fs user identification */
int rgid; /* real group identification */
int egid; /* eff. group identification */
int sgid; /* saved group identification */
int fsgid; /* fs group identification */
int nthr; /* number of threads in tgroup */
char name[PNAMLEN+1]; /* process name string */
char isproc; /* boolean: process level? */
char state; /* process state ('E' = exited) */
int excode; /* process exit status */
time_t btime; /* process start time (epoch) */
time_t elaps; /* process elaps time (hertz) */
char cmdline[CMDLEN+1]; /* command-line string */
int nthrslpi; /* # threads in state 'S' */
int nthrslpu; /* # threads in state 'D' */
int nthrrun; /* # threads in state 'R' */
int ctid; /* OpenVZ container ID */
int vpid; /* OpenVZ virtual PID */
int wasinactive; /* boolean: task inactive */
char container[16]; /* Docker container id (12 pos) */
} gen;
struct cpu {
count_t utime; /* time user text (ticks) */
count_t stime; /* time system text (ticks) */
int nice; /* nice value */
int prio; /* priority */
int rtprio; /* realtime priority */
int policy; /* scheduling policy */
int curcpu; /* current processor */
int sleepavg; /* sleep average percentage */
int ifuture[4]; /* reserved for future use */
char wchan[16]; /* wait channel string */
count_t rundelay; /* schedstat rundelay (nanosec) */
count_t cfuture[1]; /* reserved for future use */
} cpu;
struct dsk {
count_t rio; /* number of read requests */
count_t rsz; /* cumulative # sectors read */
count_t wio; /* number of write requests */
count_t wsz; /* cumulative # sectors written */
count_t cwsz; /* cumulative # written sectors */
count_t cfuture[4]; /* reserved for future use */
} dsk;
struct mem {
count_t minflt; /* number of page-reclaims */
count_t majflt; /* number of page-faults */
count_t vexec; /* virtmem execfile (Kb) */
count_t vmem; /* virtual memory (Kb) */
count_t rmem; /* resident memory (Kb) */
count_t pmem; /* resident memory (Kb) */
count_t vgrow; /* virtual growth (Kb) */
count_t rgrow; /* resident growth (Kb) */
count_t vdata; /* virtmem data (Kb) */
count_t vstack; /* virtmem stack (Kb) */
count_t vlibs; /* virtmem libexec (Kb) */
count_t vswap; /* swap space used (Kb) */
count_t vlock; /* virtual locked (Kb) */
count_t cfuture[3]; /* reserved for future use */
} mem;
struct net {
count_t tcpsnd; /* number of TCP-packets sent */
count_t tcpssz; /* cumulative size packets sent */
count_t tcprcv; /* number of TCP-packets recved */
count_t tcprsz; /* cumulative size packets rcvd */
count_t udpsnd; /* number of UDP-packets sent */
count_t udpssz; /* cumulative size packets sent */
count_t udprcv; /* number of UDP-packets recved */
count_t udprsz; /* cumulative size packets sent */
count_t avail1;
count_t avail2;
count_t cfuture[4]; /* reserved for future use */
} net;
struct gpu {
char state; /* A - active, E - Exit, ' ' - no use */
char cfuture[3];
short nrgpus; /* number of GPUs for this process */
int32_t gpulist; /* bitlist with GPU numbers */
int gpubusy; /* gpu busy perc process lifetime -1 = n/a */
int membusy; /* memory busy perc process lifetime -1 = n/a */
count_t timems; /* milliseconds accounting -1 = n/a, value 0 for active process, value > 0 after termination */
count_t memnow; /* current memory consumption in KiB */
count_t memcum; /* cumulative memory consumption in KiB */
count_t sample; /* number of samples */
} gpu;
.. raw:: html
.. py:data:: c_atop
.. py:data:: AtopRecord
.. py:class:: AtopFile(fh: BinaryIO)
Parse general task information of processes of an Atop log file.
.. py:attribute:: fh
.. py:attribute:: header
.. py:attribute:: version
.. py:method:: __iter__() -> Iterator[c_atop]
.. py:method:: decompress(data: bytes) -> bytes
.. py:class:: AtopPlugin(target: dissect.target.Target)
Bases: :py:obj:`dissect.target.plugin.Plugin`
Unix atop plugin.
.. py:attribute:: ATOP_GLOB
:value: 'atop_*'
.. py:attribute:: ATOP_MAGIC
:value: 4276993775
.. py:attribute:: ATOP_PATH
:value: '/var/log/atop'
.. py:attribute:: ATOP_VERSIONS
:value: ['2.6', '2.7']
.. py:method:: check_compatible() -> None
Perform a compatibility check with the target.
This function should return ``None`` if the plugin is compatible with
the current target (``self.target``). For example, check if a certain
file exists.
Otherwise it should raise an ``UnsupportedPluginError``.
:raises UnsupportedPluginError: If the plugin could not be loaded.
.. py:method:: atop() -> AtopRecord
Return the content of Atop log files.
An Atop log file contains the activity of all processes that were running during the interval.
This includes system-level activity related to the CPU, memory, swap, disks and network layers,
and for every process (and thread) it shows e.g. the CPU utilization, memory growth, disk utilization,
priority, username, state, and exit code.
.. rubric:: References
- https://diablohorn.com/2022/11/17/parsing-atop-files-with-python-dissect-cstruct/
Yields AtopRecord with fields:
.. code-block:: text
hostname (string): The target hostname.
process (string): The process name.
cmdline (string): The command-line of the process.
tgid (varint): The threadgroup of the process
pid (varint): The proccess identifier of the process.
ppid (varint): The proccess identifier of the parent-process.
ruid (varint): The ruid of the process.
euid (varint): The euid of the process.
suid (varint): The suid of the process.
fsuid (varint): The fsuid of the process.
rgid (varint): The rgid of the process.
egid (varint): The egid of the process.
sgid (varint): The sgid of the process.
fsgid (varint): The fsgid of the process.
nthr (varint): The nthr of the process.
isproc (boolean). The process-level of the process.
state (string). The state of the process.
excode (varint): The exit-code of the process.
elaps (varint): The elapsed time of the process.
nthrslpi (varint): The threads in state 'S' of the process.
nthrslpu (varint): The threads in state 'D' of the process.
nthrrun (varint): The threads in state 'R' of the process.
ctid (varint): The OpenVZ container ID of the process.
vpid (varint): The OpenVZ virtual pid of the process.
wasinactive (boolean): The activity of the process.
container (string): The Docker Container ID of the process.
filepath (path): The file name.