:py:mod:`dissect.target.volumes.lvm` ==================================== .. py:module:: dissect.target.volumes.lvm Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: dissect.target.volumes.lvm.LvmVolumeSystem Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: dissect.target.volumes.lvm.log dissect.target.volumes.lvm.OPEN_TYPES dissect.target.volumes.lvm.KNOWN_SKIP_TYPES .. py:data:: log .. py:data:: OPEN_TYPES :value: ('linear', 'striped', 'mirror', 'thin') .. py:data:: KNOWN_SKIP_TYPES :value: ('snapshot', 'thin-pool') .. py:class:: LvmVolumeSystem(fh: Union[BinaryIO, list[BinaryIO]], *args, **kwargs) Bases: :py:obj:`dissect.target.volume.LogicalVolumeSystem` An extension of the :class:`VolumeSystem` class that provides additional functionality for dealing with logical volume systems. .. py:attribute:: __type__ :value: 'lvm' A short string identifying the type of volume system. .. py:attribute:: lvm .. py:method:: open_all(volumes: list[BinaryIO]) -> Iterator[dissect.target.volume.LogicalVolumeSystem] :classmethod: Open all the discovered logical volume systems from the given file-like objects. There can be more than one logical volume system on a given set of file-like objects. For example, you can have five disks or volumes with two separate LVM2 volume groups. This function is responsible for grouping the correct disks and volumes with each other, and correctly opening each distinct logical volume system. :param volumes: A list of file-like objects to discover and open the logical volume systems on. :returns: An iterator of :class:`LogicalVolumeSystem`.