
Module Contents#



This class combines the thumbnailindex and thumbcachefile.

class dissect.thumbcache.thumbcache.Thumbcache(path: pathlib.Path, prefix: str = 'thumbcache')#

This class combines the thumbnailindex and thumbcachefile.

The class looks up all files inside path that have the same prefix.

  • path – The directory that contains the thumbcache files.

  • prefix – The start of the name to search for.

property mapping: dict[int, pathlib.Path]#

Looks at the version field in the cache file header.

entries() Iterator[tuple[pathlib.Path, dissect.thumbcache.thumbcache_file.ThumbcacheEntry]]#

Iterates through all the specific entries from the thumbcache files.

index_entries() Iterator[dissect.thumbcache.index.IndexEntry]#

Iterates through all the index entries that are in use.