:py:mod:`acquire.acquire.uploaders.minio` ========================================= .. py:module:: acquire.acquire.uploaders.minio Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: acquire.acquire.uploaders.minio.MinIO .. py:class:: MinIO(upload: dict[str, str], **kwargs: dict[str, Any]) Bases: :py:obj:`acquire.uploaders.plugin.UploaderPlugin` Creates a typing definition to which an UploaderPlugin should adhere. .. py:method:: prepare_client(paths: list[pathlib.Path], proxies: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None) -> Any Prepares a Minio client used to upload files. :param paths: The files to upload. :param proxies: The proxies to use during the upload. :raises RuntimeError: When the minio module is not installed. .. py:method:: upload_file(client: Any, path: pathlib.Path) -> None Uploads a file/path using the ``client``. .. py:method:: finish(client: Any) -> None A cleanup step or anything required to finish the upload.