:orphan: :py:mod:`dissect.target.plugins.os.unix.bsd.openbsd._os` ======================================================== .. py:module:: dissect.target.plugins.os.unix.bsd.openbsd._os Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: dissect.target.plugins.os.unix.bsd.openbsd._os.OpenBsdPlugin .. py:class:: OpenBsdPlugin(target: dissect.target.target.Target) Bases: :py:obj:`dissect.target.plugins.os.unix.bsd._os.BsdPlugin` Base class for OS plugins. This provides a base class for certain common functions of OS's, which each OS plugin has to implement separately. For example, it provides an interface for retrieving the hostname and users of a target. All derived classes MUST implement ALL the classmethods and exported methods with the same ``@classmethod`` or ``@export(...)`` annotation. .. py:method:: detect(target: dissect.target.target.Target) -> Optional[dissect.target.filesystem.Filesystem] :classmethod: Provide detection of this OSPlugin on a given filesystem. :param fs: :class:`~dissect.target.filesystem.Filesystem` to detect the OS on. :returns: The root filesystem / sysvol when found. .. py:method:: version() -> Optional[str] Return the target's OS version. :returns: The OS version as string. .. py:method:: hostname() -> Optional[str] Return the target's hostname. :returns: The hostname as string.