
Module Contents



Sortable and serializible string-based enum


Sortable and serializible string-based enum






Create a table-view report summary with success/failure/missing/empty counters per module


Create a full list of successful / failed / missing / empty artifacts collected,



class acquire.acquire.collector.Outcome

Bases: acquire.utils.StrEnum

Sortable and serializible string-based enum

SUCCESS = 'success'
FAILURE = 'failure'
MISSING = 'missing'
EMPTY = 'empty'
class acquire.acquire.collector.ArtifactType

Bases: acquire.utils.StrEnum

Sortable and serializible string-based enum

FILE = 'file'
GLOB = 'glob'
DIR = 'dir'
COMMAND = 'command'
PATH = 'path'
class acquire.acquire.collector.Record
module_name: str
outcome: Outcome
artifact_type: ArtifactType
artifact_value: str
details: str | None
class acquire.acquire.collector.CollectionReport
registry: set[Record]
seen_paths: set[str]
add_file_collected(module: str, path: None
add_file_failed(module: str, failed_path: None
add_file_missing(module: str, missing_path: None
add_glob_failed(module: str, failed_pattern: str) None
add_glob_empty(module: str, pattern: str) None
add_dir_collected(module: str, path: None
add_dir_failed(module: str, failed_path: None
add_dir_missing(module: str, missing_path: None
add_path_collected(module: str, path: None
add_path_failed(module: str, failed_path: None
add_path_missing(module: str, missing_path: None
add_command_collected(module: str, command_parts: Sequence[str]) None
add_command_failed(module: str, command_parts: Sequence[str]) None
get_records_per_module_per_outcome(serialize_records=False) dict[str, dict[str, list[Record]]]
get_counts_per_module_per_outcome() dict[str, dict[str, int]]
was_path_seen(path: str | bool
class acquire.acquire.collector.Collector(target:, output: acquire.outputs.base.Output, base: str = 'fs', skip_list: set | None = None)
METADATA_BASE = '$metadata$'
__enter__() Collector
__exit__(*args, **kwargs) None
bind_module(module: Type) Collector
file_filter(filter: Callable[[], bool] | None) Collector
bind(module: Type) None
unbind() None
close() None
collect(spec: Iterable, module_name: str | None = None, follow: bool = True, volatile: bool = False) None
collect_path(path: str |, outpath: str | None = None, module_name: str | None = None, base: str | None = None, volatile: bool = False, seen_paths: set[] = None) None

Collect a path from the target’s root filesystem, including any intermediary symlinks.

  • path – The path to collect (this may be a file, directory or symlink).

  • outpath – A posix style explicit path where to store the collected path. In case path is a directory this will be the new base directory. It is concatenated with base to get the final output path. Windows device path and sysvol parts are normalized. When set, intermediate symlinks of path are not collected. When not set, it will be constructed from the given path.

  • module_name – When set it indicates the module doing the collection, used for logging and reporting. When not set the :class:Collector’s bound_module will be used.

  • base – A different base path to use to store the file, it is prepended to the given or generated outpath.

  • volatile

    When this flag is set, the collection of a number of artefacts is done slightly different: - symlinks at the end of a path will not be collected, - empty directories will be collected, - files will be collected in a slower but more robust way, any errors while

    reading the bytes will not fail the collection of the file and all bytes already retrieved will be stored.

  • seen_paths – A list of normalized path strings, used when calling this function recursively to collect directories to break out of symlink loops.

collect_file_raw(path: str |, fs:, mountpoint: str, outpath: str | None = None, module_name: str | None = None, base: str | None = None, file_accessor: Callable[[BinaryIO, int], BinaryIO] | None = None) None

Collect a single file from one of the target’s filesystems.

  • path – The path to the file to collect. This path will be fully resolved before collecting and construction of the output path.

  • fs – The filesystem to collect the path from.

  • mountpoint – The (possibly fake) mountpoint of the given filesystem, to make the path unique within the target. If outpath is not supplied it will be concatenated with path and base to construct the outpath.

  • outpath – A posix style explicit path where to store the collected file. It is concatenated with base to get the final output path. Windows device path and sysvol parts are normalized. When not set, it will be constructed from the given path.

  • module_name – When set it indicates the module doing the collection, used for logging and reporting. When not set the Collector’s bound_module will be used.

  • base – A different base path to use to store the file, it is prepended to the given or generated outpath.

  • file_accessor

collect_glob(pattern: str, module_name: str | None = None) None
collect_command_output(command_parts: list[str], output_filename: str, module_name: str | None = None) None
write_bytes(destination_path: str, data: bytes) None
acquire.acquire.collector.get_report_summary(report: CollectionReport) str

Create a table-view report summary with success/failure/missing/empty counters per module

acquire.acquire.collector.get_full_formatted_report(report: CollectionReport, record_indent: int = 4) str

Create a full list of successful / failed / missing / empty artifacts collected, broken down by module.