
target-info enables you to quickly view basic system information of your targets.

The following output types are supported:

  • Human readable format (default)

  • Record output (-r)

  • JSON output (-j and -J)

The command below demonstrates target-info output on an acquire file.

$ target-info target.tar

<Target target.tar>

Hostname       : DC01
Domain         : domain.local
Ips            :
Os family      : windows
Os version     : Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (NT 10.0) 12345.6789
Architecture   : amd64-win64
Language       : en_US
Timezone       : Europe/Berlin
Install date   : 2020-04-29 10:48:49+00:00
Last activity  : 2023-01-02 13:37:00+00:00

The command below demonstrates target-info output using the option -r in record format.

$ target-info -r target.vmx

<target/info hostname='DESKTOP01' domain='DOMAIN' last_activity=2023-10-16 14:06:33.678421+00:00 install_date=2023-02-01 15:01:07+00:00 ips=[net.ipaddress('')] os_family='windows' os_version='Windows 10 Pro (NT 10.0) 19045.2006' architecture='amd64-win64' language=['en_GB', 'en_US'] timezone='Europe/Berlin' disks=["{'type': 'VmdkContainer', 'size': 34359738368}"] volumes=["{'name': 'EFI system partition', 'size': 209714688, 'fs': 'FatFilesystem'}", "{'name': 'Microsoft reserved partition', 'size': 134217216, 'fs': 'NoneType'}", "{'name': 'Basic data partition', 'size': 34013707776, 'fs': 'NtfsFilesystem'}"] children=["{'type': 'wsl', 'path': 'C:\\\\Users\\\\user\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\Packages\\\\CanonicalGroupLimited.UbuntuonWindows_79rhkp1fndgsc\\\\LocalState\\\\ext4.vhdx'}"]>

The command below demonstrates target-info output in JSON format using the option -j. Use the option -J to generate JSON line output.

$ target-info -j target.vmx
    "disks": [
        {"type": "VmdkContainer", "size": 21474836480}
    "volumes": [
        {"name": "part_00100000", "size": 1048064, "fs": "NoneType"},
        {"name": "part_00200000", "size": 1902116352, "fs": "ExtFilesystem"},
        {"name": "part_71800000", "size": 19569573376, "fs": "NoneType"},
        {"name": "ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv", "size": 10737418240, "fs": "ExtFilesystem"}
    "children": [],
    "hostname": "SERVER01",
    "domain": "domain.local",
    "ips": [""],
    "os_family": "linux",
    "os_version": "Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS",
    "architecture": "x86_64-linux",
    "language": ["en_US"],
    "timezone": "Etc/UTC",
    "install_date": "2023-02-02 12:07:32.646006+00:00",
    "last_activity": "2023-10-16 15:06:34.472182+00:00"


target-info - CLI interface#


target-info [-h] [--from-file [FROM_FILE]] [-d ','] [-s] [-r] [-j] [-J] [-K KEYCHAIN_FILE]
            [-Kv KEYCHAIN_VALUE] [-v] [-q] [--plugin-path PLUGIN_PATH [PLUGIN_PATH ...]]
            [TARGETS ...]

target-info positional arguments#

  • TARGETS - Targets to display info from (default: None)

target-info optional arguments#

  • -h, --help - show this help message and exit

  • --from-file FROM_FILE - file containing targets to load (default: None)

  • -d ',', --delimiter ',' (default: )

  • -s, --strings - print output as string

  • -r, --record - print output as record

  • -j, --json - output records as pretty json

  • -J, --jsonlines - output records as one-line json

  • -K KEYCHAIN_FILE, --keychain-file KEYCHAIN_FILE - keychain file in CSV format (default: None)

  • -Kv KEYCHAIN_VALUE, --keychain-value KEYCHAIN_VALUE - passphrase, recovery key or key file path value (default: None)

  • -v, --verbose - increase output verbosity (default: 0)

  • -q, --quiet - do not output logging information

  • --plugin-path PLUGIN_PATH - a file or directory containing plugins and extensions (default: None)